Pegasi identity and access management solutions have matured with our several university implementations. We are familiar with university academic student, faculty and research lifecycles as well as national and international access federations to comply with standards set by cross university activities.

Identity management automates user digital identity lifecycle from the first sign-in to resignation or graduation. The idea of automated identity management is to automate and secure user management, to do large volumes of identity related operations automatically without human errors. Identity management maintains organization usernames, passwords and related identity information in real time, reacting to time critical changes and updates without delay. We plan, design, implement, manage and develop identity management solutions.

Access management is an important part of IAM. Access management enables the use of the same credentials across different services as well as precise access rights to the right systems for each user. We have done access management solutions including Shibboleth based SAML2 federated authentication as well as first time authentication, password reset services and video authentication services.